Le climat du Japon est de type continental. They occasionally reach above the sea surface as islands. [130] The Kuril Islands historically belong to Japan. (2005). As Japan is situated in a volcanic zone along the Pacific deeps, frequent low-intensity earth tremors and occasional volcanic activity are felt throughout the islands. [1], This table shows the land use in 2002. [109] Honshu is roughly 1,300 km (810 mi) long and ranges from 50 to 230 km (31 to 143 mi) wide, and the total area is 225,800 km2 (87,200 sq mi). [2][83] The oil crisis in 1973 encouraged the efficient use of energy. This is because the oceanic plate's litosphere has a higher density. Le climat du Japon est caractérisé par des contrastes régionaux importants. [24][28], These are the 10 longest rivers of Japan.[28]. Kyushu (九州) is the third largest island of Japan of the five main islands. [50] The sense of motion is consistent with the direction of the Nankai Trough's oblique convergence. Les milieux écologiques sont donc très diversifiés.. La forêt couvre les deux tiers de … Marc Bernabé et Anne-Sophie Thévenon (traduction), Notices dans des dictionnaires ou encyclopédies généralistes, contrôle, de vérification et d’inspection des, position créancière nette vis-a-vis du reste du monde, troisième IDH ajusté aux inégalités le plus élevé, Rouleaux illustrés des invasions mongoles, Sphère de coprospérité de la Grande Asie orientale, bombardements atomiques d'Hiroshima et de Nagasaki, élections législatives japonaises de 1946, attentat au gaz sarin dans le métro de Tokyo, traité de coopération mutuelle et de sécurité entre les États-Unis et le Japon, Liste des villes du Japon par nombre d'habitants, conférence de 2019 sur les changements climatiques, Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, Coopération économique pour l'Asie-Pacifique, Fédération des organisations économiques japonaises, premier au palmarès des importateurs mondiaux de céréales au milieu des années 2010, deuxième exportateur mondial de cuivre au milieu des années 2010, agence d'exploration aérospatiale japonaise, ministère des Affaires intérieures et des Communications, liste des codes internationaux des plaques minéralogiques, liste des préfixes des codes OACI des aéroports, Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, Organisation internationale des constructeurs automobiles, positions d'investissement nettes des principaux pays, La Tribune - Les pays du monde les plus endettés - 11/02/2010, La dette publique brute du Japon a augmenté de 69% à 240% du PIB entre 1990 et 2017, Températures, précipitations, conditions météo prédominantes, MÉTÉO AU JAPON : Températures et prévisions gratuites, La Suisse en faveur de la reprise de la chasse à la baleine, COP25 : malgré les critiques, le Japon reste le grand parrain du charbon, https://www.msn.com/fr-fr/actualite/monde/immigration-ill%c3%a9gale-le-japon-r%c3%aave-et-cauchemar-fran%c3%a7ais/ar-BB1aKJWs, La Chine est devenue le premier importateur de produits japonais, Au Japon, les seniors portent des exosquelettes pour travailler plus longtemps, Accord de libre-échange et de partenariat économique Suisse-Japon (ALEPE) – Opportunités pour l’économie suisse, https://www.nouvelles-du-monde.com/durant-lere-heisei-le-japon-a-connu-une-deterioration-profonde-des-conditions-de-travail/, Ministère des Affaires intérieures et des Communications, Le manque de places dans les cimetières inquiète les musulmans du Japon. Le climat tropical, équatorial et désertique recouvrent davantage de pays de l'hémisphère sud de la Terre. Sapporo, sur l'île du nord, a un été doux et un hiver long et froid avec de fortes chutes de neige. The south side has few rain and snow. L’Afrique du Sud se situe dans l’hémisphère sud. [24], Central Japan is marked by the convergence of the three mountain chains—the Hida, Kiso, and Akaishi mountains—that form the Japanese Alps (Nihon Arupusu), several of whose peaks are higher than 3,000 metres (9,800 ft). The 2011 Tōhoku earthquake was the largest ever recorded in Japan and is the world's 4th largest earthquake to strike since 1900, according to the U.S. Geological Service. The land area expanded northward during the Miocene.[73]. The heat could be used by a geothermal plant to generate geothermal energy and electricity. ; L'été n'est … It spread over vast areas around the volcano and reached Edo almost 100 kilometres (60 mi) away. This dried and closed the exit straits of the Sea of Japan one by one. These subduction plates have pulled Japan eastward and opened the Sea of Japan by back-arc spreading around 15 million years ago. [88], Japan maintains one of the world's largest fishing fleets and accounts for nearly 15% of the global catch (2014). Ce dernier, qui existe encore aujourd’hui, aurait été fondé en l’an 210 par l'impératrice Jing ū. [85] In regards to agricultural products, the self-sufficiency rate of most items is less than 100% except for rice. It has more than 1,000 species and subspecies. [37] In June 2017, plans to move the Tsukiji fish market were restarted[38] but delayed in July to the autumn of 2018. That is nearly 11 times larger than the national average of 2.4 hectares. As of February 2017, the city has an estimated population of 720,841 and a population density of 910 persons per km². The game is also played in the West, and there is a large and active English language wiki discussing it. Le Japon est un pays très vaste. [8][9] This includes the Bonin Islands, Daitō Islands, Minami-Tori-shima, Okinotorishima, the Ryukyu Islands, the Volcano Islands, Nansei Islands, and the Nanpō Islands, as well as numerous islets, of which 430 are inhabited. [34] From November 8, 2011, Tokyo City began accepting rubble and waste from the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami region. The warmest winter temperatures are found in the Nanpō and Bonin Islands, which enjoy a tropical climate due to the combination of latitude, distance from the Asian continent, and warming effect of winds from the Kuroshio, as well as the Volcano Islands (at the latitude of the southernmost of the Ryukyu Islands, 24° N). The west coast facing the Sea of Japan is less densely populated. There are 46 native fish species and subspecies,[31] including 11 species and 5 subspecies that are endemic or near-endemic. Examples of land reclamation in Japan include: Much reclaimed land is made up of landfill from waste materials, dredged earth, sand, sediment, sludge and soil removed from construction sites. The Japanese archipelago grows gradually because of perpetual tectonic plate movements, earthquakes, stratovolcanoes and land reclamation in the Ring of Fire. It features the second largest urban area of Osaka (part of the Keihanshin metropolitan area). Rue du quartier Sanmachi. Le Japon de l'endroit correspond à la côté Est, fortement urbanisée et industrialisée. Seno et al., 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research; Apel et al., 2006 Geophysical Research Letters; CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, Okada, A., On the Quaternary faulting along the Median Tectonic Line, in. The Climate Action Tracker estimates that overall GHG emissions in 2020 will be 6‑11% lower than 2019. East of the undersea mountain ranges are three oceanic trenches: the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench (max depth 10,542 m (34,587 ft)), Japan Trench (max depth 10,375 m (34,039 ft)) and Izu-Ogasawara Trench (max depth 9,810 m (32,190 ft)). [17] These are the points that are farther north, south, east or west than any other location in Japan. climate: The Chugoku district resembles the Chubu District. [2], Japan has the third largest geothermal reserves in the world. Le climat est très varié, du fait de l'étirement du Japon du nord au sud, de la latitude de Québec à celle de Cuba : Hokkaidō et le nord de Honshū (Sapporo, Niigata) ont un climat continental proche du climat acadien avec un été chaud et un hiver long, froid et très neigeux. Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and the Kuril islands had mammoth steppe biome (steppe-tundra). There are 6,847 remote islands. Without the Japanese archipelago it would just be the Pacific Ocean. [44] The Japan Basin has an oceanic crust and it is the deepest part of the sea, whereas the Tsushima Basin is the shallowest with depths below 2,300 m (7,500 ft). It is used to build man-made islands in harbors and embankments in inland areas. [24] The development of advanced technology has permitted the construction of skyscrapers even in earthquake-prone areas. [115] It has the second highest population density of 307.13 km2 (118.58 sq mi) (2016). "Du fait de sa situation nord-sud, le climat au Japon est extrêmement varié. Japan is generally a rainy country with high humidity. East of the Japanese archipelago are three oceanic trenches. [150] The potential exists for tens of millions of humans and other living beings to die during a VEI-7 volcanic eruption with significant short-term effects on the global climate. There is one time zone in the whole Japanese archipelago. [13] In 2010, 90.7% of the total Japanese population lived in cities. Le jour du dépassement calculé par pays est le jour où le dépassement mondial se produirait si toute la population mondiale consommait comme la population du pays en question. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Climate change in Japan is already effecting Japan, and the Japanese government is increasingly enacting policy to respond. It forms a Minami Kantō gas field in the area spanning Saitama, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Ibaraki, and Chiba prefectures. In Tokyo and Chiba Prefecture, there have been frequent accidents with natural gas that was released naturally from the Minami Kantō gas field. [74] The continental shelves of the sea are wide on the eastern shores along Japan. [97] The Quasi-National Parks have slightly less beauty, size, diversity, or preservation. The insular geography is a major factor for the isolationist, semi-open and expansionist periods of Japanese history. Surveys by KOBEC (Kobe Ocean-Bottom Exploration Center) confirm that a giant lava dome of 23 cubic kilometers formed after the Kikai Caldera erupted in 4,300 BC. [111][112] The area is 13,500 km2 (5,200 sq mi)[113] and has a population density of 2,642 square kilometres (1,020 sq mi). [24] About 73 percent of Japan's area is mountainous, and scattered plains and intermontane basins (in which the population is concentrated) cover only about 27 percent. As Mount Fuji and the coastal Japanese Alps provide a rain shadow, Nagano and Yamanashi Prefectures receive the least precipitation in Honshu, though it still exceeds 900 millimetres (35 in) annually. Sunshine, in accordance with Japan's uniformly heavy rainfall, is generally modest in quantity, though no part of Japan receives the consistently gloomy fogs that envelope the Sichuan Basin or Taipei. The climate crisis doesn't just cause flooding around Japan’s coasts. In July of 2018, a devastating downpour in western Japan forced 2 million people to evacuate their homes. Tōkyō, Nagoya, Kyōto, Ōsaka et Kōbe, au centre et à l'ouest de la plus grande île (Honshū), subissent des hivers relativement doux avec peu ou pas de neige et des étés chauds et humides. There is controversy as to whether the Sea of Japan became a huge cold inland lake. Improving technology and methods to predict volcano and giant caldera eruptions would help to prepare and evacuate people earlier. Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien2 (Royaume-Uni). (2005). Le climat du Japon est caractérisé par des contrastes régionaux importants. The Senkaku Islands are claimed by Japan but disputed by China. At least 15,000 people died as a result. It stretches over 3000 km (1900 mi) northeast–southwest from the Sea of Okhotsk to the East China Sea. The largest is the Kantō Plain which covers 17,000 km2 (6,600 sq mi) in the Kantō region. [14] East of the Japanese archipelago are three oceanic trenches. Professor Yoshiyuki Tatsumi, head of KOBEC told the Mainichi Shimbun “the probability of a gigantic caldera eruption hitting the Japanese archipelago is 1 percent in the next 100 years” with a death toll of many 10s of millions of people and wildlife. As a result, there are specific earthquake resistance standards and ground reform work that applies to all construction in these areas. There are three VEI-7 volcanoes in Japan. Thus Japan is fairly insulated from continental issues. Géographie et climat du Japon; Sports et loisirs au Japon; Vie pratique au Japon; Visiter le Japon; Pour avoir plus de précisions ainsi que des avis de voyageurs, posez vos questions dans le forum sur le Japon. [24] The Pacific coastline north of Tokyo, the coast of Hokkaidō, and the Sea of Japan coast are generally unindented, with few natural harbors. Atouts et faiblesses d'une puissance industrielle et commerciale, littéralement « personne de lignée japonaise », « continuité et le maintien de la famille », Aussi, la décennie prochaine pourrait-elle voir disparaître la pêche en apnée. Together they are often known as the Japanese archipelago. », Réseau des bibliothèques de Suisse occidentale, Site officiel de la Chambre des Conseillers, Site officiel de la Chambre des Représentants, Mécanisme pour les Tribunaux pénaux internationaux, Tribunal pénal international pour l’ex-Yougoslavie, Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda, Commission européenne pour l'efficacité de la justice, Protection des personnes à l'égard du traitement automatisé des données à caractère personnel, Participation des étrangers à la vie publique au niveau local, Participation des jeunes à la vie locale et régionale, Protection des enfants contre l'exploitation et les abus sexuels, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Japon&oldid=178062554, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Page pointant vers des dictionnaires ou encyclopédies généralistes, Page pointant vers des bases relatives aux beaux-arts, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à la bande dessinée, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à la musique, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à la santé, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à la vie publique, Page pointant vers des bases relatives au vivant, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, l'anniversaire de l'empereur Shōwa (Hirohito), Fête de la nature (aussi dit « Fête du vert »). [11] The Exclusive Economic Zone stretches from the baseline out to 200 nautical miles (370 km) from its coast. Kyoto is located in the Yamashiro Basin 827.9 km2 (319.7 sq mi) and Nara is in the Nara Basin 300 km2 (120 sq mi). These plains had the largest agricultural production and large bays with ports for fishing and trade. Japan’ international cooperation for energy efficiency & conservation in Asian region. Kawanabe, H.; Nishino, M.; and Maehata, M., editors (2012). These islands were occupied by the Soviet Union in 1945. [9][114] As of 2016[update], Kyushu has a population of 12,970,479 and covers 36,782 km2 (14,202 sq mi). [2] Japan is scarce in critical natural resources and has long been heavily dependent on imported energy and raw materials. Le printemps est l'une des meilleurs périodes de l'année pour visiter le Japon. It is the 7th largest island in the world. The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan measures Japan's territory annually in order to continuously grasp the state of the national land. This deluge flooded hundreds of thousands of homes and, tragically, claimed over 200 lives. Japan's mining law restricts offshore oil and gas production. 81% of the population lives on Honshu, 10% on Kyushu, 4.2% on Hokkaido, 3% on Shikoku, 1.1% in Okinawa Prefecture and 0.7% on other Japanese islands such as the Nanpō Islands. There are technological hurdles to mine at such extreme depths and to limit the ecological impact. [133] This dispute has prevented the signing of a peace treaty between Japan and Russia. Japan has a population of 126 million in 2019. Climat Modifier L’archipel est très étiré sur l’axe Nord-Sud de la latitude de Québec à celle de Cuba, le Japon possède une gamme climatique étendue. [94] Shinzo Abe’s government seeks to restart the nuclear power plants that meet strict new safety standards and is emphasizing nuclear energy's importance as a base-load electricity source. Four large eruptions between 300,000 and 90,000 years ago. The Sea of Japan has a surface area of 978,000 km2 (378,000 sq mi), a mean depth of 1,752 m (5,748 ft) and a maximum depth of 3,742 m (12,277 ft). Le Mont Fuji enneigé-pris d'un avion et d'un Shinkansen. . The temperature here averages 15.6 °C | 60.1 °F. The Yamato Basin and Tsushima Basin have thick ocean crusts. The Korean Peninsula was landlocked on the entire west and south side in the Yellow Plane. The capital Tokyo and the largest metropolitan population is located there. Les quatre saisons se divisent traditionnellement en 24 périodes (sekki) et en 72 « micro-saisons » (kō) inspirées des sources chinoises [2].. [24] Tokyo is between 35°N - 36°N, which is comparable to that of Tehran, Athens, or Las Vegas.[24]. The vegetation was dominated by palatable high-productivity grasses, herbs and willow shrubs. Appropriately 40 cubic kilometers of magma would be released in one burst and cause enormous damage.[151]. Thus Japan possesses one of the largest ocean territories with a combination of all depths from shallow to very deep sea. Currently no underwater city is constructed yet. The Sea of Japan was considered to be a frozen inner lake because of the lack of the warm Tsushima Current. Trouvez facilement Où et Quand partir en voyage selon vos critères de recherche : climat, prix et durée des vols, budget voyage et activités... Voyage au Japon sur mesure | Prestige Voyages au Japon Kyoto ou Kyōto Écouter est une ville japonaise de la région du Kansai, au centre de Honshū. Japan extends from 20° to 45° north latitude (Okinotorishima to Benten-jima) and from 122° to 153° east longitude (Yonaguni to Minami Torishima). It is the remains of the ancient eruption of a colossal volcano. For example, the artificial island Toyosu was once occupied by a Tokyo gas factory. Quatre de ces îles — du nord au sud, Hokkaidō (79 000 km ), historiquement peuplée par les Aïnous, Honshū (227 000 km ) la plus grande et la plus peuplée avec 105 millions d'habitants, Shikoku (18 000 km ) qui est l'île de la mer intérieure et Kyūshū(36 000 km ) — représentent l'essentiel d'un territoire de 377 975 km (95 % du territoire des 4 00… L'État du Japon forme, dans l'Est de l'Asie, un archipel de 6 852 îles de plus de 100 m sur plus de trois mille kilomètres de long, face à la Russie (îles Kouriles), Taïwan, la Corée et la Chine . The Japanese archipelago is over 3,000 km (1,900 mi) long in a north-to-southwardly direction from the Sea of Okhotsk to the Philippine Sea in the Pacific Ocean. Climat . The Kanto region alone is estimated to have over 400 billion cubic meters of natural gas reserves. Dans cet hémisphère, seule une petite partie de l'Amérique du Sud est soumise au climat continental. The Northern Territories and the Kuril islands use UTC+11:00 although they are geographically in UTC+10:00, Japan is substantially prone to earthquakes, tsunami and volcanoes because of its location along the Pacific Ring of Fire. Throughout history, Japan was never fully invaded nor colonized by foreigners. Lake Biwa was created by plate tectonics in an active rift zone. Par exemple à Naha (Okinawa), Yakushima et Nago la météo sera agréable pour un voyage au Japon dans ces localités avec une température maximale de 22° en moyenne. [34], There is a risk of contamination on artificial islands with landfill and reclaimed land if there was industry that spilled (toxic) chemicals into the ground. Over the course of millions of years, a diverse ecosystem evolved in the lake. The pyroclastic flows could reach much of Kyushu. About 73% of Japan is mountainous, with a mountain range running through each of the main islands. [16] The 1923 Tokyo earthquake killed over 140,000 people. Toxic substances were discovered in the soil and groundwater at Toyosu. [16] The islands are also affected by typhoons. Le climat de Nanao est à peu près comme le reste de la préfecture, humide et imprévisible. The term has been the international standard since at least the early 19th century. [110] This makes it slightly larger than the island of Great Britain 209,331 km2 (80,823 sq mi).[110]. [24] Extensive civil defence efforts focus on training in protection against earthquakes, in particular against accompanying fire, which represents the greatest danger. Unzen erupted in 1792 and killed more than 15,000 people. Nanpō Islands (南方諸島) are the groups of islands that are located to the south and east of the main islands of the Japanese archipelago. Rice has a 100% food self-sufficiency. Record lows for any month were taken as recent as 1984. Summer in Japan begins in June, and is characterized by a three- to four-week rainy season during which farmers plant rice crops. Thus historically Kyushu was the gateway between Asia and Japan. The climate is typically characterized by warm springs, hot and humid summers, cool and breezy autumns and cooler, dry winters. Pendant l'hiver, il y a de grosses chutes de neige. According to Köppen and Geiger, this climate is classified as Dfa. All other prefectures have coasts on the Pacific Ocean, Sea of Japan, Seto Inland Sea or have a body of salt water connected to them. Le gel est quasi inexistant et la neige reste un phénomène peu fréquent. Cette planète se trouve dans la zone régie par le Kaiô du Nord, Kaiô Shin du Nord, ainsi que le Dieu de la Destruction, Beerus. [34] The village of Ogata in Akita, was established on land reclaimed from Lake Hachirōgata (Japan's second largest lake at the time) starting in 1957. Géographie et climat du Japon; Sports et loisirs au Japon; Vie pratique au Japon; Visiter le Japon; Pour avoir plus de précisions ainsi que des avis de voyageurs, posez vos questions dans le forum sur le Japon. [73] The Sea of Japan expanded during the Miocene. [7] It is narrow, and no point in Japan is more than 150 km (93 mi) from the sea. Le printemps est l'une des meilleurs périodes de l'année pour visiter le Japon. C'est ainsi que le géographe japonais Shoei Yazu a inventé les exptressions du « Japon de l'endroit et de l'envers ». Pendant l'hiver, il y a de grosses chutes de neige. In 2019, the prefecture had an estimated population of 13,929,280. Weather, Climate & Earthquake Information Warnings/Advisories. These are also called the mainland. Japan (Japanese: 日本; Romanised as nihon or nippon) is a country in East Asia.It is a group of many islands close to the east coast of Korea, China and Russia.The Pacific Ocean is to the east of Japan and the Sea of Japan is to the west. Parmi ces derniers, dix-huit F-35B devraient être déployés en, Statistics bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Population of Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency. Kunashiri and the Habomai Islands are visible from the northeastern coast of Hokkaido. In this scenario, the exception would be eastern and northern Hokkaido (the Ryukyu Islands and southern Nanpo Islands would also be excepted). [14] Northeastern Japan, north of Tanakura fault, had high volcanic activity 14–17 million years before present. Il y a en moyenne 9.2 heures de soleil par jour. [24] Undersea earthquakes also expose the Japanese coastline to danger from tsunamis (津波). Japan’s climate varies greatly with altitude and with location on the Pacific Ocean side or on the Sea of Japan side. Préférez les saisons intermédiaires avec les mois d'avril, mai, juin, septembre et octobre qui vous garantissent des températures agréables et peu de pluie. La plus grande particularité du climat de Takayama est la grande différence des températures entre le jour et la nuit (surtout pendant l'hiver). [136], As many as 1,500 earthquakes are recorded yearly, and magnitudes of 4 to 6 are common. It is the largest island country in East Asia and 4th largest island country in the world.[10]. Minami-Tori-shima has a tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification Aw) and the highest average temperature in Japan of 25 degrees Celsius. In winter, the Siberian High develops over the Eurasian land mass and the Aleutian Low develops over the northern Pacific Ocean. The biggest of these islands, Honshu, has the most people.. Honshu is the 7th largest island in the wo It consists of 6,852 islands. The geographical location of the Japanese archipelago has defined the Sea of Japan for millions of years. If the volcanic ash continuously flows eastward, then the ash fall would make it impossible to live in most parts of Japan (the main islands) because of a paralysis of traffic and lifelines for a limited period until the eruption subsides. [62], During the 2013 eruption southeast of Nishinoshima, a new unnamed volcanic island emerged from the sea. The land bridge disappeared when the sea levels rose in the Jōmon period around 10,000 BCE.[22]. Tokyo is the political and economic center of the country, as well as the seat of the Emperor of Japan and the national government. In summer, however, sunshine hours are lowest on exposed parts of the Pacific coast where fogs from the Oyashio current create persistent cloud cover similar to that found on the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. Climat . Le climat du Japon n’est pas simple à décrire : cet archipel tout en longueur et couvert de montagnes ne possède pas les mêmes... où partir en février : choix du pays au soleil - mackoo.com [23] In modern times, the inflow of people is managed via the seaports and airports. Le climat de San Francisco est très comparable à celui que l'on trouve sur la côte atlantique du Maroc ou encore au centre du Chili [34]. 92,169 millions de shintoïstes (72,5 % de la population) ; 87,126 millions de bouddhistes (68,6 % de la population) ; près de 1,951 millions de chrétiens (1,5 % de la population) ; autres religions : 8,974 millions de Japonais (7,1 % de la population). Port Island, Rokkō Island and Kobe Airport were built in Kobe. Seabed mineral resources such as manganese nodules, cobalt-rich crust and submarine hydrothermal deposits are located at depths over 1,000 m (3,300 ft). Most regions of Japan, such as much of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, belong to the temperate zone with humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification Cfa) characterized by four distinct seasons. Geothermal energy is being heavily focused on as a source of power following the Fukushima disaster. [44], The subduction zone is where the oceanic crust slides beneath the continental crust or other oceanic plates. Elle fut de 794 à 1868 la capitale impériale du Japon, sous le nom de Heian-kyō.